The Economy and Real Estate Investments
When the government spends more money than it takes in, the debt grows. And the govt. has very limited methods of making revenue. Raising taxes is probably the simplest way to raise revenue to pay off the debt. Getting a loan from other regions and creating more money by putting more cash into the public flow are alternative routes to do that.
The bigger the debt gets, the more likely it is that the government will default on paying some of its creditors. This became a very real possibility recently in mid-2011 when Congress struggled over a possible debt default. Though they came to an agreement at the final minute, one major credit rater dropped the US credit score from AAA to AA+. This isn't good for the American economy, and may make it trickier for the US to pay its bills thanks to higher interest on loans and more problems in getting them.
This is bad in general, as it will help prolong the recession and the recovery from the housing catastrophe. But lower prices might mean you can get property at prices you could not before. For the right investors, a time with a high nationwide debt and poor economy may be the best time to sell and reinvest in rental property.
For others with property that dropped heavily in worth after the housing bubble, it could be careful to take your time. Get expert advice before deciding, and remember the countrywide debt, though it feels like a giant unsubstantial thing only made for congressmen to fight over, actually does affect your investments as well as your day to day life.
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